We currently have rows in the database:

  • of category “Presumptive”,
  • of category “Known PFAS user”,
  • of category “Known”, including with precise location (some other points only have the city but no coordinates, these are not shown on the map)

This data is coming from different datasets (see here), including scientific articles and datasets coming from authorities.


The PDH project is very much a work in progress!

July 10th 2024:

  • Data:
    • Most of the work on the data is done. Especially, data may now be added, but the format should not change (see format here).
    • The data project source is available on gitlab, the resulting complete dataset is here here as a csv, here as a parquet.
  • Website:
    • The website very much exists, you are on it, with its final url.
    • The source is available on gitlab.
    • Datasets page is created, Data format page too. We miss the documentation, for now only on gitlab.
    • The map exists in a not very beautiful state, but the major features are working (filters, getting more info when clicking on a point, exports.)